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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Fleima-Plastic: Donation to Lions Club Ukraine Aid

We have reported on this: The Masterflex Group is distributing a total of more than € 10,000 to organizations that helps Ukrainian refugees via its German subsidiaries.


Markus Haas, Managing Director of Fleima-Plastic, has now presented a check for 2,000 euros to the Ukraine Aid of the Lions Club Überwald-Weschnitztal. The Lions Club will forward the money directly to a Lions Club in Romania, which cares for Ukrainian refugees there.

Haas: "We find the idea of forwarding the money to a Lions Club in Romania very good." Because this ensures that the funds are used directly and in full to support refugees from Ukraine, he said.  

Lions President Karl Scheidl and Igena Managing Director Steffen Reinsch, among others, expressed their thanks for the generous donation.

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