MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen


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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex Group: Strong partner for flexible connections

The Masterflex Group is the listed specialist for the development, production and marketing of sophisticated connector and hose systems made of high-performance plastics and fabrics. With six corporate brands and 14 operating subsidiaries in Europe, America and Asia, the Masterflex Group is represented almost worldwide. Our products and solutions ensure demanding and essential functions in high-tech sectors such as aerospace, medical technology, mechanical and plant engineering, the chemical industry, food and pharmaceutical technology and other important industries. In addition, the Masterflex Group also offers consulting and order-related development services as part of engineering services. The Masterflex Group has been listed on the stock exchange since 2000.


Graphic 5 employees in two rows connected with a hose.
greater than620

Employees in the Group

Graphic Company history
more than35

years on the market

Graphic of the Masterflex main building in Gelsenkirchen.

Operating subsidiaries

An open cardboard box with a hose over it.
in excess of250

Customer-specific industry segments

Graphic Group sales with EURO symbol and hose.

Million Euro Group turnover

3 index cards in a row with a tube and a magnifying glass in the foreground.

Standardized product variants

The Masterflex Share

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"Hoses are so boring!"

At least that's what the classmates of Marie, the daughter of a Masterflex Group employee, think. But they were wrong: Because hoses are everywhere - even if they are often hidden or in the background. The Masterflex Group, with its Masterflex, Novoplast Schlauchtechnik, Fleima Plastic, Matzen & Timm, APT and Masterduct brands, offers an incredibly wide range of products and solutions in the field of technical hoses and connecting parts.
For a multitude of often essential applications, e.g. in the food industry, medical technology or aviation. But: See for yourself! You can find out where it is particularly exciting with our hoses in our film.

About the Company

A man sits at his desk in front of his PC and telephone.

Write to us!

Do you have any questions about our organisation, our locations or would you like to make a specific inquiry to the Masterflex Group? Then simply use our contact form.

Contact us

Mood: Our responsibility Ecology

Value-based management

We want to be an attractive and appreciative employer, further reduce our use of energy and resources and pursue economic, social and ecological goals in equal measure. Find out here what we are already doing today and what we are planning for tomorrow.

Resposibility at the Masterflex Group

Moodpicture of Masterflex Group's strategy circular economy: Hero@Zero

Our vision

The Masterflex Group has set itself an ambitious goal by 2035 under the title "Hero@Zero": The transformation of the Group's business model into a circular economy system. How is the Masterflex Group organising this transformation by 2035? And what are the most important building blocks and goals of our strategic vision?

To the Hero@Zero vision

Four different types of hose from the group and two injection moulded parts from Fleima.

Broad-based expertise

Our subsidiaries have different areas of expertise and some have decades of experience.

Go to Product-Portfolio


Websites of our Subsidiaries

You can find the websites of our individual subsidiaries via these quick links:

Go to Website of APT  Go to Website of Fleima-Plastic   Go to Website of Flexmaster

Go to Website of Masterduct  Go to Website of Masterflex 

Go to Website of Matzen & Timm  Go to Website of Novoplast Schlauchtechnik 


All International locations at a glance

We have also compiled an interactive map with all our locations worldwide for you as an overview. Here you will find contact details and company information in the fastest way possible.

Go to International Locations of Masterflex Group



Example of the agricultural industry sector in which the Masterflex Group is active.


We are a long-standing partner of the agricultural industry. Whether in the spreading of seeds, the transport of grain, in animal feeding or in agricultural machinery: Due to the (often seasonal) use under permanent load, particularly high demands are placed on hoses and connection solutions. Especially our PU spiral hoses score here because of their high abrasion resistance - and thus longer durability than PVC hoses.

Example of the automotive industry in which the Masterflex Group is active


The automotive industry is one of the most demanding markets with high quality standards worldwide. Our products and connection solutions are used wherever cars are built, repaired or serviced. Our customers include suppliers to the automotive industry as well as companies from the motor sports sector. Our flexible connections are used, for example, in turbocharger systems, lumbar supports or testing equipment.

Example of the construction, stone and earth industry in which the Masterflex Group is active.

Construction, Mining and Earth-moving

Our hoses and connection solutions are used to transport raw materials such as clay, limestone and gypsum, gravel, sand, but also mineral raw materials and building materials resulting from refinement. We offer a wide range of solutions for companies that build machines, plants and equipment for the basic industry, but also for manufacturers of construction machinery and construction vehicles: from heavy PU hoses for highly abrasive media to high-temperature hoses and corrugated hoses made of fluoropolymers.

Example of the chemical industry sector in which the Masterflex Group is active


In the chemical, pharmaceutical or cosmetics industry, reactive gases and vapours are often produced, which pose a great challenge to hoses. For such extreme requirements, we offer an almost unlimited selection of hoses and connection systems. Our customers include companies that produce and process chemicals, companies that build machinery, equipment and plant for the chemical industry, as well as companies in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors.

Example of the area of the municipal disposal and cleaning technology in which the Masterflex Group is active.

Municipal Disposal and Cleaning Technology

Whether municipal technology, leaf vacuum cleaners, grass mowers or cleaning systems: our hoses and connection solutions are used by companies that build cleaning technology systems and equipment, as well as by companies that use suction or blowing technology or take on (asbestos) disposal and industrial cleaning tasks. We also offer industry-specific solutions for use in sweepers and suction vehicles.

Example of the fluid power industry in which the Masterflex Group is active.

Fluid Technology

Our hoses and connection systems are designed for reliability and high performance. Our robust PU hoses are particularly suitable for the special requirements in fluid technology. They are used by mechanical and plant engineers who apply fluid technology, e.g. in hydraulics (transmission of energy by hydraulic fluid) or in pneumatics (transmission by compressed air).

Sample image for the industry in which the Masterflex Group is active.


The requirement to convey or extract solid, liquid or gaseous substances arises for many companies in the industrial environment. Our precisely fitting hoses and connection solutions are used in numerous industries: in the processing of wood, metal, textiles or paper as well as in the production of electronic assemblies, in the production of machines for the wood, metal, textile or paper industry or in recycling.

Example of the plastics industry in which the Masterflex Group is active.


The processing of plastics is a multi-layered process, at the end of which there are finished moulded parts, semi-finished products, fibres or films. During processing, granules or powder are usually transported and distributed over long distances. Companies that build machines for the plastics industry or process plastics can rely on our products and solutions.

Example of the paint industry sector in which the Masterflex Group is active.

Paint Technology

In the painting industry, entire painting lines are equipped with our hoses and connection solutions for paint supply - even in explosion-proof plants. Companies that build plants and equipment for painting and paint spraying technology particularly appreciate the high quality and chemical resistance of our optionally or combined antistatic, electrically conductive tubes, which are also available in high-voltage-resistant versions.

Example picture for the food industry in which the Masterflex Group is active.

Food and Beverage

In the food industry, hosesand tubes are used for the transport and conduction of a large number of liquid or solid media. Only hoses that comply with strict regulations and guidelines are allowed to transport coffee, sugar or even powdered milk from A to B. Companies that build machines and plants for the food industry or process food rely on our certified tubes, hoses and connection solutions suitable for use with food.

Example of the hvac technology sector in which the Masterflex Group is active.

HVAC - Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning

For many years, craftsmen's workshops that install and maintain air conditioning and (exhaust) ventilation technology, as well as companies that build machines, equipment and systems that extract or move air have relied on our flexible solutions. Our hoses are also used in engine test benches for the extraction of gases, vapours and dusts that are hazardous to health.

Example of the aerospace industry in which the Masterflex Group is active


Due to our experienced handling of the most diverse qualification requirements as well as our high level of development competence, we are one of the most important suppliers to the aviation industry: almost every Airbus aircraft contains hoses from us. But our products and connection solutions are not only used in the air, but also on the ground, e.g. when aircraft on the ground are supplied with electricity or the contents of vacuum toilets are vacuumed.

Example picture for the mechanical engineering sector in which the Masterflex Group is active.

Mechanical Engineering

Anyone who thinks a hose is a trivial C product is mistaken. For many decades, our hoses and connection solutions have ensured essential functions in important machines and systems. We are the first hose manufacturer ever to also offer digital hose systems with integrated lifecycle tracking functions (AMPIUS®) that can be read out via an app.

Example of the medical technology industry in which the Masterflex Group is active.

Medical Technology

Medical technology would be unthinkable without plastics. At the same time, medical technology is one of the most heavily regulated industries of all. Our extruded medical tubes manufactured in clean rooms, as well as the corresponding injection molded parts and connectors for standard medical applications, make an important contribution to safe and efficient medical care.

Example of the robotics and automation industry in which the Masterflex Group is active

Robotics and Automation

With our products and connection solutions we respond to the new requirements in robotics and automation technology. We thus ensure maximum productivity in modern manufacturing and an efficient flow of materials. Industrial or cleaning robots, for example, not only receive reliable energy through our tubes, but also receive the necessary cable protection.

Example of the bulk materials industry in which the Masterflex Group is active.

Bulk Solids

If sand, gravel, shards, stones, cement, concrete, gypsum, powder, grain or granulate are transported or vacuumed, a robust hose with an absolutely smooth inner wall and a suitable connection part is welcome. Thanks to these characteristics in combination with long service life, the two "patented" PU hoses Master-PUR-Inline and Master-PUR-Performance are among the absolute customer favourites for the bulk material industry.

Example of the transport industry in which the Masterflex Group is active.


We secure mobility systems: Our products and connection solutions can be found in trucks, rail vehicles, buses, ships and aircraft. Our hoses are not only installed in numerous vehicles and aircraft, but are also used wherever transport and commercial vehicles and aircraft are repaired or maintained.

Shaking hands as if greeting or saying goodbye.

Acting Responsibly

Corporate governance is an important aspect of our corporate management. The topic sheds light on rules, processes, procedures and ethical issues.

More on Corporate Governance

A rolled up brochure lies on top of another rolled up brochure.

Reports & Publications

What the media report about us, interviews in trade magazines, white papers and other articles.

To the Publications

Effects of COVID-19

Dr. Andreas Bastin, CEO of the Masterflex Group, about corona measures and foreseeable challenges.

To the Interview